Recent Consultancies and Technical Assistance of DPBA and Staff
Lions Circle Membership Survey | 2025 | This survey is designed to gather critical insights from Black men in the GTHA, focusing on their priorities, interests, and the challenges they face in seeking a supportive community. The collected data will help shape programs and initiatives that cater to their needs, ensuring that The Lions Circle continues to provide relevant and impactful services. |
Saint Lucia Human Capital Resilience Project | 2024 | Conducted a Labour Market Needs Assessment of the current workforce in Saint Lucia of skills gap and potential vocational and labour needs in the main economic sectors. |
Guyana National Skills Audit | 2024 | Conducted a rapid assessment of the current workforce in Guyana in skills gaps and potential migrant labour needs in six main economic sectors of oil and gas, agriculture and agro-processing, hospitality and tourism, Information and communication technologies (ICT), Financial Services , Manufacturing , and Energy and renewable energy. |
KAP Study to investigate the factors that are likely impacting the decisions of Black Canadians living in Quebec | 2023 | Conducted Literature Review interrogating secondary data from Statistics Canada and other national and private databases. |
The CARILEC Resiliency and Energy Efficiency Project (CAREEP) | 2023 | The main purpose of the project was to conduct a survey among energy users in the region (12 Caribbean Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs)-Aruba, Anguilla, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, The Cayman Islands, Curacao, Montserrat, Saba, Sint Eustatius, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Maarten and Turks and Caicos) |
Facilitation of a Leadership Course for Open and Distance Learning (ODL) in TVET | 2023 | Developed institutional strategies for integrating technology in TVET training), for managers and senior staff from TVET institutions from seven (7) Caribbean countries, including Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Jamaica, St Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia and Suriname |
Consultancy to provide advisory service to the Urban Rez Solutions INC. | 2022 | Provided advisory service to the Urban Rez Solutions INC. The Toronto East Detention Centre Project and the Toronto Metropolitan University on behalf of its unit the Future Skills Centre Project |
The Black Quebecers Pension Survey (BQPS) | 2022 | Conducted survey among the Black Indigenous People of Colour (BIPOC) Reported on demographics, pension participation rates, retirement savings, salary range, savings patterns, and what the types of investment instruments sourced. Access to employer-sponsored pension plans. Informed policymakers about potential policy changes to guide organisations in developing targeted initiatives to address retirement. |
Conduct of a KAP Study and Review of the Canada Employment Equity Act and its impact on Black Government Employees | 2022 | Conducted statistical review of Black Government employees in Canada by Gender and Province classification, surveys of Black Government employees. Validate/invalidate hiring perceptions and attitudes of Women of Colour, Disabilities, or LGBTQ2+ Groups. |
EQUIP: Psychosocial Support Services Survey, Government of Saint Lucia. EQUIP Project | 2022 | The Ministry of Education, Sustainable Development, Innovation, Science, Technology and Vocational Training, through the Educational Quality Improvement Project (EQUIP), will be conducting a Psychosocial Support Services Survey within the education sector in Saint Lucia. The objective of the consultancy is to develop a framework for the establishment of gender-responsive psycho-social support services to serve the Government of Saint Lucia’s education system. The framework should include the policies, structures and human resource needs required for operationalisation. The Consultants will perform all investigative work and analyses to realise the objectives in the Terms of Reference. They will use participatory and consultative methodologies in working closely with the Department of Education and other critical stakeholders in the sector. These will include but are not limited to principals, counsellors, teachers, students, parents, health and well-being practitioners, gender specialists in government and civil society and community leaders. The consultancy will involve desk, fieldwork, and consultations across the basic education subsector and the health and well-being sector. The Consultant(s) will review relevant documentation on at-risk youth in St. Lucia schools, including OECS Social Risk Assessments and existing programmes that currently address the needs of troubled students. |
Development of the National Qualifications of Framework of Saint Lucia. | 2021 | Developed the National Qualifications Framework of Saint Lucia, Standards for Quality Assuring qualifications in the Framework, Implementation Plan and a Promotions and Communications Strategy. |
Pre-Trial Detention Study in 5 Jurist-assisted CARICOM countries. | 2021 | Judicial Reform and Institutional Strengthening (JURIST) Project. Consultancy service to gather data on Pre-Trial Detention in the CARICOM States of Antigua & Barbuda, Guyana, Barbados and Jamaica. Prepared for the Caribbean Court of Justice, funded by Global Affairs, Canada. |
Development of Regional Guidelines for TVET Institutions During COVID-19 | 2020 | Development of Regional Guidelines for the Safe Re-opening of TVET Institutions in the CARICOM Region during COVID-19 and amendments to CVQ Assessments and External Verification for CVQ Certification and Quality Assurance. |
Revision of the Regional Vocational Qualification Framework (RVQF) | 2020 | Revision of the 5-tiered Regional Vocational Qualification Framework (RVQF) for TVET, and its alignment with the CARICOM Qualification Framework (CQF) |
Project for The Regional Advancement of Statistics in The Caribbean (PRASC) | 2020 | Conducted the Mid-term Review of the Project for the Regional Advancement of Statistics in the Caribbean (PRASC). Financed by the Canadian Government (Global Affairs) in the amount of Canadian $19.5m, and implemented by Statistics Canada in 14 Caribbean States |
Training of Master Trainers Ministry of Education and Guyana TVET Council - Guyana | 2019 | Developed Training Programme for Master Trainers in the TVET system Delivered Master Training the Trainers’ Course Evaluated and Assessed participants towards the issuance of CVQ L4 Training and Development |
Development of a National Quality Assurance System for TVET - St. Kitts-Nevis | 2019 | Conducted Evaluation of Quality Assurance systems in the Education and Training Sectors Developed Quality Assurance Policy Guidelines Developed Training Plan for Quality Assurance Officer Trained Q.A. Officer and TVET Council on Quality Assurance in TVET |
Human Trafficking CARIFORUM Region | 2019 | Comprehensive assessment of Trafficking in Persons (TIP) in the CARIFORUM region and the efforts made by states to combat trafficking. Conducted Regional Human Trafficking Symposium |
Development of a Labour Market Information System - Suriname | 2019 | Developed a Labour Market Information System with indicators for the Suriname National Training Authority |
Strengthening the Operational Effectiveness of the TVET Council Secretariat | 2018 | Development of a National TVET Strategic Plan for St. Kitts-Nevis 2019 – 2026 Developing an Organisational Structure for an effective Secretariat Establishment of Lead Groups Training of Lead Group & Sector Councils |
Development of National HR Strategic Plan - Belize | 2018 | Conducted Institutional Assessment of Universities, Colleges and TVET Institutions Conducted Skills Anticipation Survey Conducted Focus group meeting with key stakeholders Developed themes for Stretegic Plan Developed HR Strategy Developed Monitoring and Evaluation Plan |
Pan-American Health Organisation (PAHO) Effect of Migration on Human Resource of Health Care Workers in the Caribbean | 2018 | Conducted focus groups discussions Conducted interviews Researched and collected qualitative and quanitative data on health care practitioners and health establishments throughout CARICOM member states Caribbean to determine migration rates and effects of migration on heath care industry in the Region Presented results to PAHO Regional Office Presented results to PAHO Headquartersin Washington, D.C. in preparation for COHSOD Meeting |
Support to the Government of Suriname to Establish the Suriname National Training Authority (SNTA) | 2018 | Conducted a Labour Market Needs Assessment Study, conducted quality audits in 13 Technical Training Institutions, trained 525 individuals including Auditors, Lead Groups, Assessors, Verifiers, Quality Assurance staff, Standards and Qualification Developers, Curriculum Writers, Instructors, SNTA Board Members, Management Team, Managers and CVQ Coordinators, developed Quality Assurance Framework, Developed Monitoring and Evaluation Framework |
Review of the St. Kitts-Nevis Skills Training Empowerment Programme (STEP) | 2018 | Reviewed the Skills Training Empowerment Programme (STEP) in St. Kitts-Nevis towards greater efficiency and effectiveness and made recommendations for two (2) Training Options |
Evaluation of the TVET Capacity of the Secondary School system in Antigua & Barbuda | 2017 | Conducted a comprehensive assessment of the TVET sector in Antigua and Barbuda, produced a National TVET Policy and Action Plan to institutionalize TVET across the system with a focus on the TVET System to award the CVQ. |
Implementation of the National Qualifications Framework of Jamaica | 2017 | Conducted a series of Training Workshops with Committee members to implement and operationalize the National Qualifications of Jamaica. |
Institutional Assessment and the Reorganization of the Management Operations of Technical Institutes - St. Vincent and the Grenadines | 2016–2017 | Completed the institutional assessment of the 4 Technical Institutes and made over 20 recommendations to reorganize the management and operational activities of the Technical Institutes in order for them to become more efficient, effective and sustainable. |
National Skills Audit, Turks and Caicos Islands | 2016–2017 | The Company is currently in the process of conducting a National Skills audit and Migration Survey for the Government of the Turks and Caicos Islands |
Institutional Strengthening of the TVET System in Saint Lucia | 2016 | The Company conducted a literature review stakeholder meetings and over a number of days, developed a Strategic Plan for the Saint Lucia Council on TVET. |
Capacity Development of TVET Professionals – Saint Lucia | 2016 | Funded by the TVET Council and the Ministry of Education, Saint Lucia, the building of the capacity of TVET professionals through the training of assessors, verifiers, and auditors for the implementation of the CVQ and Competency-Based Education and Training. |
Training in Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) in the Community Colleges if Jama | 2015–2016 | Funded by the Council of Community Colleges of Jamaica (CCCJ), the planning and delivery of training of CBET instructors, private training providers and Registrars in Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition techniques for the CCCJ. |
Capacity building of TVET in Belize | 2015 | Funded by the EU, Training of Assessors and Verifiers in Competency-Based Education and Training and training of Auditors for quality assurance of facilities towards improving the TVET system and the introduction of the Caribbean Vocational Qualification |
Institutional Assessment of Training Entities in St. Kitts-Nevis | 2015 | Funded by the Caribbean Development Bank, TVET institutions were assessed to evaluate the extent to which the training programmes being delivered were in alignment with labour market needs towards the restructuring of the education and training system |
Labour Market Needs Assessment of the OECS | 2015 | Funded by the EU and managed by the OECS Secretariat, this project focused on supplementing and complementing the on going Monitoring and Coordination of activities regarding the implementation of the OECS Labour Force Survey in OECS Member States. The goal was to facilitate the implementation of at least one round of the OECS Labour Force Survey in the Member States. |
Labour Market Needs Assessment of the OECS | 2015 | Funded by the EU and managed by the OECS Secretariat, this project focused on supplementing and complementing the on going Monitoring and Coordination of activities regarding the implementation of the OECS Labour Force Survey in OECS Member States. The goal was to facilitate the implementation of at least one round of the OECS Labour Force Survey in the Member States. |
Development of a National Qualifications Framework - Belize | 2015 | Developed the National Qualifications Framework of Belize including quality assurance manuals, PLAR Manuals, and Promotions and Marketing campaign. |
Developing and Implementing the National Qualifications Framework of Jamaica | 2014–2015 | Funded by the World Bank, developed the National Qualifications Framework of Jamaica, including a Five-Year Implementation Plan, a Training Plan and a Pilot Plan |
Development of a Bachelors in TVET Instructor Training Programme - Belize | 2014–2015 | Funded by the EU, the Company reviewed the Curriculum of the current programmes for TVET Instructors and developed a Bachelor's Degree Programme for the Ministry of Education Belize |
Development of Operational Guidelines for the Jamaica Teaching Council | 2014 | The Company conducted a Training Needs Assessment Survey and an Institutional Capacity Survey and developed the Operational Guidelines for the Jamaica Teaching Council |
CARICOM Trade & Competitiveness Project | 2014 | At the request of the Interim Authority, the Company developed a National Strategic Plan for the establishment of the Suriname National Training Authority |
CARICOM Trade & Competitiveness Project(Regional) | 2013–2014 | Funded by CIDA, this project aimed at building the capacity of 9 Member States in the Caribbean to train and deliver the Caribbean Qualifications Framework to enable the movement of skilled personnel throughout the Region. Individuals were trained as assessors, verifiers and auditors and instructors were trained to deliver Competency-based Education and Training programmes in Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, St. Kitts-Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Suriname. |
Mapping of Caribbean Vocational Qualifications (Global) | 2013 | Aligned Youth Work Development Standards onto the Commonwealth of Learning's Trans-National Qualifications Framework for training Youth Workers (Diplomas and Undergraduate Degrees) in post-secondary institutions and Universities in the Commonwealth Countries (54) |
Professional Development of Technical and Vocational Staff of Technical Institutes (Guyana) | 2012–2013 | Technical Assistance provided to the Government of Guyana to develop and implement strategies and programmes for the professional development of TVET staff to improve pedagogical, managerial and administrative competence and performance. Conducted Training Needs Analysis to determine Training needs. Developed training plan Procured suitable training materials and resources Planned, organized and assisted in the delivery of training Developed Trainers Manual |
Development of A National TVET Strategy (Guyana) | 2012–2013 | Conducted SWOT Analysis and assessed the Guyana labour force issues on manpower supply and demand, skills gaps and quality certification. Reviewed national development priorities and strategies Identified and developed Strategic Objectives and Developed National TVET Strategic and Action Plan 2013 – 2020. |
Labour Market Needs Survey (St. Lucia) | 2012–2013 | Conducted Labour Market Needs Survey to determine the skills gap for training and preparation of programmes for the youth population. Developed and administered questionnaires, conducted Focus Group Meetings, analysed data to inform training in St. Lucia. |
Development of a National System of Occupational Assessment and Certification for the TVET Council of Guyana; | 2011 | Developed policy framework for a National Occupational Assessment and Certification Scheme incorporating the CARICOM Model; Determined the appropriate competences for workforce assessment and certification; Train assesors to assess learner competences and verifiers to ensure quality within the framework; Ensured the use of best practices in occupational competency assessment and certification. Planned, organised and facilitated the implementation of a training programme to develop and administer the CVQ. |
Training Needs Assessment - National Youth Service Jamaica | 2011 | Identified the skills and training requirements to ensure optimum operations of the National Youth Service; Conducted an in-depth analysis of skills requirements for key positions within the organization and identified training courses (locally and internationally) to address the gaps identified. Conducted skills need survey to identify Training Needs requirements of staff. Conducted review of Performance Appraisal System and made appropriate recommendations. |
Training of Trainers (on-going training programme delivered by the firm) (Jamaica) | On-going | Trained trainers in: Planning for Effective Training Understanding Adult Learning Conducting Gap and Needs Analysis Developing and Writing Training Objectives Developing and Using Lesson Plans Instructing to Facilitate Learning Methods of Teaching Skills and Information Using Instructional Media in Training Assessing and Measuring Performance |
Integration of Information and Communication Technology in Technical Vocational Education (TVET)(St. Lucia) | 2010 | Conducted ICT survey and reported on integrating ICTs in Priority Sectors (Agriculture, Building & construction, Information Technology, Hospitality). Developed training manual with guidelines for incorporating ICT in TVET Courses, including suggestions for integrating ICT in curriculum mapping and lesson planning; Developed a roadmap for incorporating ICT in TVET in St. Lucia; Developed report with Recommendations for Human Resource Development; Developed Draft Strategic Plan for the Integration of ICT in the TVET system in St. Lucia. |
Development of a Human Resource Development Strategy for Barbados | 2010 | Prepared the framework for human resource development linked to critical sectors of the economy to facilitate public and private sector collaboration in the provision of education, training and other human resource development initiatives; Evaluated the national system of TVET training, assessment, certification and accreditation, including quality assurance mechanisms; Evaluated the institutional framework in place to promote and support TVET training and entrepreneurship; Made recommendations for training of various groups including at-risk and vulnerable youths. |
Developing a Modern Vocational Training System for Suriname (Suriname) | 2009 | Reviewed and assessed the education and training system of Suriname Recommended and organizational structure, objectives and systems for TVET Developed Job Descriptions for staff Developed Policy and Strategic Plan with Performance Measures Facilitated Workshop with Stakeholders Developed Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanisms Recommended the structure of a National Training Agency for the training, assessment and certification of workers to access the Caribbean Vocational Qualification. |
OAS Hemispheric Project on Basic and Labour Competencies for the Certification of Skills (Regional -Based in Trinidad &Tobago - Belize, St. Kitts/Nevis, Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica, Barbados, Grenada, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Suriname, Montserrat, Dominica, St. Lucia) | 2008 | Training in Curriculum Development for Competency-based Education and Training (CBET) Assessment in CBET, Development of CBET Training Manuals and Workbooks for Training Activities and development of the qualifications framework for the Caribbean Vocational Qualifications |